

Stressed employees may be irritable, make mistakes, be less reliable, and bring other “financial drama” to the workplace. Businesses feel the effects by employee tardiness, high employee  turn over rate, poor customer service, and the impact on the business’s public image.    A Stress in America Survey is commissioned each year by the American Psychological Association (APA) to measure stress among the general public and to identify leading sources of stress.  The APA reports that, in 2012, money (69%) and work (65%) are the most frequently cited causes of stress for Americans and have been since they began collecting data in 2007.


Employees:  Develop life skill strategies to positively change how a person deals with his or her finances which improves quality of life at home and in the workplace.  Transform their lives when they identify and change a behavior (i.e. stop smoking, gambling, gaming OR start exercising, getting more sleep at night, healthy eating, etc.)Become more reliable workers by gaining control over the money that he or she earns each month.  NOTE:  It’s not how much a person earns that negatively effects them, it is the choices in how they spend their money that can positively or negatively effect them. Your company benefits when there is less financial drama in employees lives:

  • Improved work attitude

  • Reduced tardiness

  • Reduced turn over rate

  • Increased productivity

  • Increased customer service


Money & ME offers two options to organizations:


The cost for a one day Financial Literacy Education Program:  $1,000 + hotel, airfare, and ground (HAG) + $49.95 per student for materials and training.  Special pricing available for government and nonprofits.


Train the Trainer $199/person (online or in person in Albuquerque, NM)  $120 Annual Licensing Fee, $49.95/participant Workbook & Money Kit.  Special pricing available for nonprofit and government organizations.

Complete the fields below to determine your organization cost.   Shipping not included. For special situations, please contact Money & ME to discuss.


Contact Money & ME to discuss how Money & ME can help your organization.

(888) 628-2386