Money & ME in a Virtual World

Lizzie Collins William, a trainer in Tuscaloosa, Alabama continued to achieve her goal of helping others by having a Money & ME Workshop virtually last month. She has always had a passion for teaching people how to become better, especially in the area of finances. With the global pandemic, COVID-19 she knows that people are concerned about their health and their finances. She feels that now more than ever, is a time to help people gain control of their finances and their lives.  It is important to educate people on the importance of budgeting, identifying needs versus wants, and becoming a smart shopper, I applied those strategies to my life.  Lizzie began cutting unnecessary subscriptions and expenses; shopping for groceries every two-weeks; using digital coupons; and shopping at consignment shops. These simple changes cut her household expenses by more than $200 per month. Last month, she helped others by having the Money & ME Workshop virtually.  She realized that she was helping reduce the stress by sharing simple strategies that anyone can use.  She was overcome with great joy as she helped others.