Money & ME Spanish Classes Begin Soon!

Meet Ana!  Ana volunteers at a non-profit called “Cross Walk to Life” in Las Cruces, New Mexico.  She has worked in accounting, is a pastor’s wife, and is inspired to help women get back on their feet after difficult circumstances.  She recently began the online Money & ME Train the Trainer course and was pleasantly surprised at the content of Money & ME.  She has taken many other financial courses that focused primarily on investing.  She was so excited to find a curriculum that will help meet people where they are at and feels it is an amazing tool.  Next month, Ana will be teaching the class in Spanish.  She has six women signed up and is excited to share this information with them.  Her classes are going to be 90 minutes and she is pleased to have extra time for discussions and relationship building.  She has promised to keep us informed of her progress.  THANK YOU ANA!Sara Money, Director & DeveloperMoney & ME Program